The Palliative Care working group was established on September 2017. This working group facilitates improvements and enhancements related to the palliative care type.
The purpose of the Toronto Central Home and Community Care Support Services Resource Matching & Referral (TC HCCSS RM&R) Palliative Care Type Working Group is to provide oversight and direction for Rehab and TJR care type specific issues, such as, changes to workflow and the referral form, and any other relevant issues.
The Palliative Type Working Group is accountable to the Toronto Central Home and Community Care Support Services Resource Matching & Referral User Group (RUG).
Meetings will be held on an as needed basis.
The use of delegates is permitted on an occasional basis.
Records of discussion/action items will be disemminated to members via email and shared at the RUG Committee meeting when necessary, for transparency and decision making, when its deemed necessary by Working Group members.
RM&R Program Operations to support operational management (e.g. preparing meeting material, liase with Working Group members, schedule review meetings, develop and track discussion/action items).
The Committee will make all decisions by way of voting.
The following rules will be observed in order for a decision to be made:
- At least 50% of the total committee must be present to hold a vote.
- For a vote to pass 50% of the total committee must be in favour of the motion.
- The Co-Chair will table the issue to be voted on.
- Committee Members may abstain from a vote, though the majority outcome of a vote applies to all.
- Act as a discussion and decision-making forum for the TC HCCSS RM&R Palliative Care Type, including updates to forms, workflow, general system improvements, testing of new features and any other Palliative Care Type specific issues, as it relates to the RM&R application.
- Ensure alignment with TC HCCSS and Ministry of Health and Long Term Care eHealth principles and objectives
- Approve recommendations and make decisions brought forward by the RM&R Program.
Meeting Minutes